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Soiled test fabrics

All our soiled test fabrics are available per meter uncut or in swatches. One meter of the respective fabric width is the minimum order quantity.

We offer a range of standard swatch sizes, eg.:
(5 cm x 5 cm), (10 cm x 10 cm), (12 cm x 12 cm), (15 cm x 15 cm). Other swatch sizes are possible on request.


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    WFK 10 B

    100 % cotton with pigment/olive oil, WFK 10 B

    SKU: 10011
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 BB

    100 % cotton with blackberry juice, WFK 10 BB

    SKU: 10041
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 BMR

    100 % cotton with blood/milk/carbon black, WFK 10 BMR

    SKU: 10026
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 C

    100 % cotton with pigment/lanolin, WFK 10 C

    SKU: 10010
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 D

    100 % cotton with pigment/sebum, WFK 10 D

    SKU: 10012
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 EG

    100 % cotton with egg yolk, temperature treated, WFK 10 EG

    SKU: 10061
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 ER

    100 % cotton with egg/carbon black, WFK 10 ER

    SKU: 10059
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 F

    100 % cotton with cocoa/lanolin, WFK 10 F

    SKU: 10015
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 GM

    100 % cotton with used motor oil, WFK 10 GM

    SKU: 10052
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 J

    100 % cotton with tea, WFK 10 J

    SKU: 10020
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 JB

    100 % cotton with black currant juice, WFK 10 JB

    SKU: 10043
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 JE

    100 % cotton with protein/tea, WFK 10 JE

    SKU: 10021
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 K

    100 % cotton with coffee, WFK 10 K

    SKU: 10025
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 10 LI

    100 % cotton with red wine, temperature treated, WFK 10 LI

    SKU: 10031
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 10 LIU

    100 % cotton with red wine, NOT temperature treated, WFK 10 LIU

    SKU: 10033
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 LS

    100 % cotton with lipstick, WFK 10 LS

    SKU: 10045
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 M

    100 % cotton with motor oil/pigment, WFK 10 M

    SKU: 10050
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 MF

    100 % cotton with milk cocoa, temperature treated, WFK 10 MF

    SKU: 10017
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 MFU

    100 % cotton with milk cocoa, NOT temperature treated, WFK 10 MFU

    SKU: 10024
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 MU

    100 % cotton with make-up, WFK 10 MU

    SKU: 10047
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 N

    100 % cotton with egg/pigment, WFK 10 N

    SKU: 10060
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 O

    100 % cotton with carrot juice, WFK 10 O

    SKU: 10040
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 P

    100 % cotton with red pepper, WFK 10 P

    SKU: 10070
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 PB

    100 % cotton with blood, temperature treated, WFK 10 PB

    SKU: 10063
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 PBU

    100 % cotton with blood, not temperature treated, WFK 10 PBU

    SKU: 10067
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 PF

    100 % cotton with pigment/vegetable fat, WFK 10 PF

    SKU: 10013
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 R

    100 % cotton with starch/pigment, WFK 10 R

    SKU: 10062
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 RM

    100 % cotton with soot/mineral oil, WFK 10 RM

    SKU: 10053
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 S

    100 % cotton with shoe polish, WFK 10 S

    SKU: 10018
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 10 SG

    100 % cotton with tomato beef sauce, WFK 10 SG

    SKU: 10090
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 10 SP

    100 % cotton with spinach, WFK 10 SP

    SKU: 10085
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 T

    100 % cotton with ketchup, WFK 10 T

    SKU: 10065
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 TE

    100 % cotton with clay/kaolin, WFK 10 TE

    SKU: 10055
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 U

    100 % cotton with curry, WFK 10 U

    SKU: 10075
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 V

    100 % cotton with soy sauce, WFK 10 V

    SKU: 10080
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 WB

    100 % cotton with blueberry juice, WFK 10 WB

    SKU: 10042
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 10 Z

    100 % cotton with chocolate, WFK 10 Z

    SKU: 10016
    Width/Size 95 cm

polyester/cotton 65%/35%

  • Placeholder

    WFK 20 B

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with pigment/olive oil, WFK 20 B

    SKU: 20011
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 BB

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with blackberry juice, WFK 20 BB

    SKU: 20041
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 C

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with pigment/lanolin, WFK 20 C

    SKU: 20010
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 D

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with pigment/sebum, WFK 20 D

    SKU: 20012
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 EG

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with egg yolk, temperature treated, WFK 20 EG

    SKU: 20061
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 F

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with cocoa, WFK 20 F

    SKU: 20015
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 GM

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with used motor oil, WFK 20 GM

    SKU: 20052
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 J

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with tea, WFK 20 J

    SKU: 20020
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 JB

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with black currant juice, WFK 20 JB

    SKU: 20043
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 JE

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with protein/tea, WFK 20 JE

    SKU: 20021
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 K

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with coffee, WFK 20 K

    SKU: 20025
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 LI

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with red wine, temperature treated, WFK 20 LI

    SKU: 20031
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 LS

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with lipstick, WFK 20 LS

    SKU: 20045
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 M

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with motor oil/pigment, WFK 20 M

    SKU: 20050
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 MF

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with cocoa, temperature treated, WFK 20 MF

    SKU: 20017
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 MFU

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with cocoa, NOT temperature treated, WFK 20 MFU

    SKU: 20024
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 MU

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with make-up, WFK 20 MU

    SKU: 20047
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 N

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with egg/pigment, WFK 20 N

    SKU: 20060
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 P

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with red pepper, WFK 20 P

    SKU: 20070
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 PB

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with blood, temperature treated, WFK 20 PB

    SKU: 20063
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 PBU

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with blood, not temperature treated, WFK 20 PBU

    SKU: 20067
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 20 PF

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with pigment/vegetable fat, WFK 20 PF

    SKU: 20013
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 R

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with starch/pigment, WFK 20 R

    SKU: 20062
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 RM

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with soot/mineral oil, WFK 20 RM

    SKU: 20053
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 S

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with shoe polish, WFK 20 S

    SKU: 20018
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 SG

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with tomato/beef sauce, WFK 20 SG

    SKU: 20090
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 SP

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with spinach, WFK 20 SP

    SKU: 20085
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 T

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with ketchup, WFK 20 T

    SKU: 20065
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 TE

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with clay/kaolin, WFK 20 TE

    SKU: 20055
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 U

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with curry, WFK 20 U

    SKU: 20075
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 V

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with soy sauce, WFK 20 V

    SKU: 20080
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 WB

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with blueberry juice, WFK 20 WB

    SKU: 20042
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20 Z

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with chocolate, WFK 20 Z

    SKU: 20016
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 20LIU

    Polyester/Cotton 65/35 with red wine, NOT temperature treated, WFK 20LIU

    SKU: 20033
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK BG-80A

    yellow PDE-enzyme (phosphodiesterase) sensitive stain (model for body soil ‘body grime’) on wfk 80A-100 % cotton knit-ponte de roma, (50 pieces per pack)

    SKU: wfk BG-80A

  • Placeholder

    WFK BG-80A

    yellow PDE-enzyme (phosphodiesterase) sensitive stain (model for body soil ‘body grime’) on wfk 80A-100 % cotton knit-ponte de roma, (10 pieces per pack)

    SKU: wfk BG-80A-10pcs

  • Placeholder

    WFK BG-MRF12

    yellow PDE-enzyme (phosphodiesterase) sensitive stain (model for body soil ‘body grime’) on wfk MRF-0012-50/50 Polyester/cotton single jersey, (50 pieces per pack)

    SKU: wfk BG-MRF12

  • Placeholder

    WFK BG-MRF12

    yellow PDE-enzyme (phosphodiesterase) sensitive stain (model for body soil ‘body grime’) on wfk MRF-0012-50/50 Polyester/cotton single jersey, (10 pieces per pack)

    SKU: wfk BG-MRF12-10pcs

  • Placeholder

    WFK PDE red stain 01

    red PDE-enzyme (phosphodiesterase) sensitive stain on Polyester/cotton 65/35, (50 pieces per pack)

    SKU: wfk PDE red stain 01

  • Placeholder

    WFK PDE red stain 01

    red PDE-enzyme (phosphodiesterase) sensitive stain on Polyester/cotton 65/35, (10 pieces per pack)

    SKU: wfk PDE red 01-10pcs


  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 B

    100 % Polyester with pigment/olive oil, WFK 30 B

    SKU: 30011
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 C

    100 % Polyester with pigment/lanolin, WFK 30 C

    SKU: 30010
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 D

    100 % Polyester with pigment/sebum, WFK 30 D

    SKU: 30012
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 EG

    100 % Polyester with egg yolk, WFK 30 EG

    SKU: 30061
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 F

    100 % Polyester with cocoa/lanolin, WFK 30 F

    SKU: 30015
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 GM

    100 % Polyester with used motor oil, WFK 30 GM

    SKU: 30052
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 J

    100 % Polyester with tea, WFK 30 J

    SKU: 30020
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 JB

    100 % Polyester with black currant juice, WFK 30 JB

    SKU: 30043
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 JE

    100 % Polyester with protein/tea, WFK 30 JE

    SKU: 30021
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 K

    100 % Polyester with coffee, WFK 30 K

    SKU: 30025
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 LI

    100 % Polyester with red wine, temperature treated, WFK 30 LI

    SKU: 30031
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 LIU

    100 % Polyester with red wine, NOT temperature treated, WFK 30 LIU

    SKU: 30033
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 LS

    100 % Polyester with lipstick, WFK 30 LS

    SKU: 30045
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 M

    100 % Polyester with motor oil/pigment, WFK 30 M

    SKU: 30050
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 MF

    100 % Polyester with cocoa, temperature treated, WFK 30 MF

    SKU: 30017
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 MFU

    100 % Polyester with cocoa, NOT temperature treated, WFK 30 MFU

    SKU: 30024
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 MU

    100 % Polyester with make-up, WFK 30 MU

    SKU: 30047
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 N

    100 % Polyester with egg/pigment, WFK 30 N

    SKU: 30060
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 P

    100 % Polyester with red pepper, WFK 30 P

    SKU: 30070
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 PB

    100 % Polyester with blood, temperature treated, WFK 30 PB

    SKU: 30063
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 PBU

    100 % Polyester with blood, not temperature treated, WFK 30 PBU

    SKU: 30067
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 PF

    100 % Polyester with pigment/vegetable fat, WFK 30 PF

    SKU: 30013
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 R

    100 % Polyester with starch/pigment, WFK 30 R

    SKU: 30062
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 RM

    100 % Polyester with soot/mineral oil, WFK 30 RM

    SKU: 30053
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 S

    100 % Polyester with shoe polish, WFK 30 S

    SKU: 30018
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 SG

    100 % Polyester with tomato/beef sauce, WFK 30 SG

    SKU: 30090
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 SP

    100 % Polyester with spinach, WFK 30 SP

    SKU: 30085
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 T

    100 % Polyester with ketchup, WFK 30 T

    SKU: 30065
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 TE

    100 % Polyester with clay/kaolin, WFK 30 TE

    SKU: 30055
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 U

    100 % Polyester with curry, WFK 30 U

    SKU: 30075
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 V

    100 % Polyester with soy sauce, WFK 30 V

    SKU: 30080
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 30 Z

    100 % Polyester with chocolate, WFK 30 Z

    SKU: 30016
    Width/Size 95 cm


  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 B

    Wool with pigment/olive oil, WFK 60 B

    SKU: 60011
    Width/Size 70 cm

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    WFK 60 C

    Wool with pigment/lanolin, WFK 60 C

    SKU: 60010
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 D

    Wool with pigment/sebum, WFK 60 D

    SKU: 60012
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 LI

    Wool with red wine, temperature treated, WFK 60 LI

    SKU: 60031
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 LIU

    Wool with red wine, NOT temperature treated, WFK 60 LIU

    SKU: 60033
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 LS

    Wool with lipstick, WFK 60 LS

    SKU: 60045
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 MU

    Wool with make-up, WFK 60 MU

    SKU: 60047
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 PF

    Wool with pigment/vegetable fat, WFK 60 PF

    SKU: 60013
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 RM

    Wool with soot/mineral oil, WFK 60 RM

    SKU: 60053
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 S

    Wool with shoe polish, WFK 60 S

    SKU: 60018
    Width/Size 70 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 60 Z

    Wool with chocolate, WFK 60 Z

    SKU: 60016
    Width/Size 70 cm


  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 B

    Silk with pigment/olive oil, WFK 70 B

    SKU: 70011
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 C

    Silk with pigment/lanolin, WFK 70 C

    SKU: 70010
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 D

    Silk with pigment/sebum, WFK 70 D

    SKU: 70012
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 J

    Silk with tea, WFK 70 J

    SKU: 70020
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 K

    Silk with coffee, WFK 70 K

    SKU: 70025
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 LI

    Silk with red wine, temperature treated, WFK 70 LI

    SKU: 70031
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 LIU

    Silk with red wine, NOT temperature treated, WFK 70 LIU

    SKU: 70033
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 LS

    Silk with lipstick, WFK 70 LS

    SKU: 70045
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 MU

    Silk with make-up, WFK 70 MU

    SKU: 70047
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 PF

    Silk with pigment/vegetable fat, WFK 70 PF

    SKU: 70013
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 S

    Silk with shoe polish, WFK 70 S

    SKU: 70018
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 T

    Silk with ketchup, WFK 70 T

    SKU: 70065
    Width/Size 85 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 70 Z

    Silk with chocolate, WFK 70 Z

    SKU: 70016
    Width/Size 85 cm

cotton IEC

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 D

    100 % cotton with pigment/sebum, WFK 90 D

    SKU: 16012
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 LI

    100 % cotton with red wine, temperature treated, WFK 90 LI

    SKU: 16031
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 LI-X

    100 % cotton with red wine, heavily temperature treated, WFK 90 LI-X

    SKU: 16032
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 LIU

    100 % cotton with red wine, NOT temperature treated, WFK 90 LIU

    SKU: 16033
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 MF

    100 % cotton with milk cocoa, temperature treated, WFK 90 MF

    SKU: 16017
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 MFU

    100 % cotton with milk cocoa, NOT temperature treated, WFK 90 MFU

    SKU: 16024
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 PB

    100 % cotton with blood, temperature treated, WFK 90 PB

    SKU: 16063
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 PBU

    100 % cotton with blood, not temperature treated, WFK 90 PBU

    SKU: 16067
    Width/Size 95 cm

  • Placeholder

    WFK 90 RM

    100 % cotton with soot/mineral oil, WFK 90 RM

    SKU: 16053
    Width/Size 95 cm