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Reference and standard white fabrics, market relevant textiles

standard fabrics

All standard fabrics are especially produced for wfk – Testgewebe GmbH. Only well defined yarns are used, weaving and finishing is controlled by us.
The following table lists some of our standard fabrics and indicates their typical textile technical data (please note that actual data of individual batches may deviate from the numbers listed below):

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    WFK 10 A

    100 % cotton fabric ref. to DIN ISO 2267:2016 (untreated fabric) (former DIN 53919-1), without marking threads, WFK 10 A, width 100 cm, also used for testing laundry detergents (EU Ecolabel)

    SKU: 10000
    Width/Size 100 cm

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    WFK 11 A

    100 % cotton fabric ref. to DIN ISO 2267:2016 (untreated fabric) (former DIN 53919-1), with marking threads in warp direction, WFK 11 A, width 80 cm. Base fabric for wfk laundry control sheets

    SKU: 11000
    Width/Size 80 cm

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    WFK 12 A

    100 % cotton terry cloth, approx. 380 g/m², WFK 12 A, width 180 cm, bleached, with optical brightener

    SKU: 12000
    Width/Size 180 cm
    approx. Area Weight 380 g/m²

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    WFK 12 AW

    100 % cotton terry cloth, approx. 430 g/m², WFK 12 AW, width 180 cm, bleached, without optical brightener

    SKU: 12500
    Width/Size 180 cm
    approx. Area Weight 430 g/m²

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    WFK 13 A

    100 % cotton twill, WFK 13 A, width 160 cm

    SKU: 13000
    Width/Size 160 cm

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    WFK 20 A

    polyester/cotton 65/35 fabric, WFK 20 A, width 100 cm, also used as ballast load ref. to DIN EN 17658:2022

    SKU: 20000
    Width/Size 100 cm

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    WFK 27 A

    no longer available

    SKU: 27000
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 30 A

    100 % polyester fabric, WFK 30 A, width 100 cm

    SKU: 30000
    Width/Size 95 cm

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    WFK 40 A

    100 % polyamide 6.6 fabric, WFK 40 A, width 80 cm, also used for testing laundry detergents (EU Ecolabel)

    SKU: 40000
    Width/Size 80 cm

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    WFK 50 A-1

    100 % polyacrylic fabric, WFK 50 A-1 (replacement for wfk 50 A), width 55 cm

    SKU: 50000-1
    Width/Size 55 cm

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    WFK 60 A

    100 % wool fabric, WFK 60 A, width 75 cm

    SKU: 60000
    Width/Size 75 cm

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    WFK 70 A

    100 % silk fabric, WFK 70 A, width 90 cm

    SKU: 70000
    Width/Size 90 cm

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    WFK 80 A

    100 % cotton Knitwear, approx. 155 g/m², WFK 80 A, width 160 cm, Ponte de Roma

    SKU: 15000
    Width/Size 160 cm
    approx. Area Weight 155 g/m²

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    WFK 90 A

    100 % cotton fabric, WFK 90 A, width 100 cm

    SKU: 16000
    Width/Size 100 cm

[1] Area weight for washed fabric: Fabrics 10 A / 11 A are defined in DIN 53919, the weight per area shall be 170 g/m² after being washed in standard wash cycles. The unwashed fabric is approx. 160 g/m². The wfk standard fabrics 20 A and 30 A were specified using the description for the cotton fabrics to have all fabrics as similar as possible. Area weights of unwashed fabrics for 20 A / 30 A are approx. 160 g/m² as well.

market relevant fabrics

Market relevant fabrics (MRF) e.g. for testing the maintenance of whiteness over multiple wash cycles. Our MRF textiles are produced with optical brightener. This allows to get information about the influence of detergents and wash programs on brightened textiles consisting of different fibres and fibre mixtures.

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    Polyester/Cotton 50/50, Jersey fabric with brightener, width 150 cm

    SKU: MRF-0012
    Width/Size 150 cm

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    Coolmax/Elastane 96/4, elastic rib fabric with brightener, width 140 cm

    SKU: MRF-0013
    Width/Size 140 cm

For more information please contact us. Thank you!